Week of June 25th to June 28th

WE MADE IT!!!! It’s hard to believe it is the last week of school! The year flew by so quickly I can’t believe the year has come to an end. It has been such a pleasure teaching this class of grade 4’s. They have progressed and changed so much over the year and I have really enjoyed watching their growth as individuals and classmates. They have accomplished so many things. I want to wish all of you a very relaxing and much deserved summer! Here are some of the fun things happening this week!

June 26th – Report cards go home – please send back the signed slip

June 27th – Junior Playday – students will participate in fun activities throughout the day that are part of the Right to Play initiative. Grade 6 students participated in Right to Play  Leadership workshops and they will now use those skills and lead the junior students through fun learning activities.

June 28th – CANADA SPIRIT DAY and the last day of school!! (dress up in Canada gear!)

Class party and movie:  We will be watching A Tale of Despereaux. We are currently reading this book and the students are excited to compare some of the differences between the movie and the book.  Students can bring in a nut and egg free snack to share with the class.

Thank you for all of your support this year! See you in September!!!

Mrs. Lacroix


Week of June 4th to June 7th

June is here and we are celebrating the last month of school! I can’t believe we are already counting down to the final weeks and days. We have many exciting things happening so please read below to find out more!

Unfortunately the weather is too rainy and we had to postpone the Junior Track and Field Day to Wednesday this week. If your child makes the team the form will go home on Wednesday and they will be due back on Thursday as the meet is on MONDAY! Your child will need to decide if they are joining us at the Upper Canada Trip or the Track meet. Since we are down to the final days can everyone please send in the Upper Canada forms by tomorrow. I can accept the money on Thursday.

June 4th – no track and field due to rainy conditions

June 6th – Track and Field Day – please send students with proper footwear and clothing for the day.

June 7th – Jump Rope for Heart – remember to bring a skipping rope if your child has one and proper footwear.

June 8th – P.D. day  – no school

June 11th – Upper Canada Field Trip – please arrive on time as the bus will leave promptly at 8:45am.

Math – We will have a math quiz on Thursday to finish up our fractions and decimals unit.

Language Arts – we will continue book report presentations this week

Have a wonderful week and I hope the weather is nice for our trip next week!!!


Week of May 28th to June 1

June is just around the corner and we are nearing the end of the school year! The year flew by and I have been so lucky to have such a wonderful class of hard working bright students who have progressed so much this year! This next month is jam packed with lots of fun and exciting activities.

Homework: This week will be the LAST homework of the year! Students that have a homework free pass should use it this week!

Track and Field – The grade 4’s who signed up to run the long distance 1000m event will be running it this Wednesday, May 30th at 2pm. This way they do not have to run two long events on the scheduled track day on June 4th. If your child is running the 1000m on May 30th please make sure they have proper running shoes and running clothes. We are training all the track events now in gym so students should have running shoes and socks at school so they can participate actively.

Field Trip – Upper Canada Field Trip is June 11th. Please return the forms and money as soon as you can. If your child does end up making the Jr.Track Team on June 4th they will need to decide if they want to go to Upper Canada or the track meet. Please have a chat with your child now so that if they make the team on June 4th we know immediately that day. If your child chooses not to be on the track team we will offer the spot to another child who may want to go instead.

Math – We are continuing our unit on Fractions. The student will explore different ways to represent fractions and learn some of the benchmark fractions.

L.A. –  We started a read aloud called Three Questions (children’s version) based on the book by Leo Tolstoy. The students have been so engaged in this book and are coming up with deep and meaningful ideas, inferences and questions. It is incredible to see their excitement and eagerness to share their ideas with each other. The book reports were due today! We will start our presentations of book reports throughout the week.

Jump Rope For Heart – Please send back the envelopes by June 1st. If your child is not fundraising please send the envelope back now. All envelopes MUST be returned. Thank you for your efforts fundraising for this cause. Jump Rope for Heart will take place on JUNE 7th. Students are encouraged to bring a skipping rope as we do not have enough for every primary and junior student.

Talent Show – If your child is interested in being part of the show on June 22nd they need to start planning their acts. They must show their act to their teacher by June 1st in order to be nominated to participate in the show.

Have a wonderful week!

Mrs. Lacroix

Week of May 22 to May 25

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend. We were lucky to have warm, sunny weather! We are nearing the final stretch of the school year. It’s hard to believe we are at the end of May already.

Here are a few things happening at VM this week.

Homework – No Homework this week in Language Arts.

Book Report – The book report is due May 28th. I will make sure the students bring home their duotangs in case they need the expectations and rubric for the report.

Field Trip – Upper Canada Field Trip is June 11th. Please return the forms and money as soon as you can. If your child does end up making the Jr.Track Team on June 4th they will need to decide if they want to go to Upper Canada or the track meet. Please have a chat with your child now so that if they make the team on June 4th we know immediately that day. If your child chooses not to be on the track team we will offer the spot to another child who may want to go instead.

Math – We are starting our unit on Fractions. The student will explore different ways to represent fractions and learn some of the benchmark fractions.

L.A. – We have finished our Literature Circles and our follow up letters focussing on point of view and perspective. We will be moving in to understanding two important reading strategies; questioning and inferencing.

Track and Field – The grade 4’s who signed up to run the long distance 1000m event will be running it on Wednesday, May 30th at 2pm. This way they do not have to run two long events on the scheduled track day on June 4th. If your child is running the 1000m on May 30th please make sure they have proper running shoes and running clothes. We are training all the track events now in gym so students should have running shoes and socks at school so they can participate actively.

Jump Rope For Heart – Please send back the envelopes by June 1st. If your child is not fundraising please send the envelope back now. All envelopes MUST be returned. Thank you for your efforts fundraising for this cause.

Talent Show – If your child is interested in being part of the show on June 22nd they need to start planning their acts. They must show their act to their teacher by June 1st in order to be nominated to participate in the show.

Have a great short week!!!

Mrs. Lacroix